Edgar Allan Poe

Welcome to Eddie’s Place. Come on in. We won’t bite. Pull up a chair, or take a seat at the bar. It’s a blustery night outside, so sidle on up to the fireplace. Warm yourself. Have a hot drink. Perhaps some absinthe. Get comfortable. We know why you are here. Many pass through here to explore The Master’s creations. We welcome all.

Yes, this is the place to learn about our Creator, Edgar Allan Poe. Below you will find a brief chronology of his life.* After that, you will find interesting tidbits about Eddie. There’s a very good animated film of the Master’s “Tell-Tale Heart” There are also some links to Poe’s writing. This is an ongoing process that we’ve just begun — one we hope to complete some day in the near future. Some of the stories and poems will soon also be accessible as audio files. You can click on the appropriate link to open the audio file accompanying the story or poem. A few poems are now available with a few more in the works. Keep checking back to see what’s new. There are also links to other cool sites dedicated to Eddie. We’re working on a page of links and interesting information about films and TV shows based on The Master’s work. So settle in. Grab a hot beverage. Start The Alan Parsons Project CD “Tales of Mystery and Imagination,” and enjoy a tour through one of the most original minds in American literature: Edgar Allan Poe!

Skeleton Pointing Hand Flipped


Edgar Allan Poe’s Life

January 9, 1809 – Poe is born Boston, Massachusetts.
December, 1811 – Death of his mother in Richmond. Poe is adopted by Mr. and Mrs. John Allan.
July 28, 1815 – Poe and the Allans arrive in England. They move to Scotland where Poe enter Irvine Grammar School.
1818 – 1820 – Poe at the Manor House, Stoke Newington, near London.
July 21, 1820 – Poe and the Allans arrive in New York.
August 2, 1820 – Go to Richmond where they stay with Allan’s partner, Charles Ellis.
1821 – Moves to Fifth Street and attends Clarke School until December, 1822.
1823 – Poe enters William Burke’s School.
February 14, 1826 – Poe enters the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. He leaves the university on December 15.
March 24, 1827 – Leaves for Boston where, on May 26, calling himself Edgar A. Perry, he enlists in the U.S. Army. He is sent to Fort Independence in Boston Harbor. Tamerlane and Other Poems is published.
January 1, 1829 – Promoted to Sergeant Major.
February 29, 1829 – Francis Allan, Poe’s foster mother, dies.
April 15, 1829 – Poe leaves the Army and goes to Washington.
December, 1829 – Al Araaf is published.
June, 1830 – Poe attends West Point, the U.S. Military Academy.
February 21, 1831 – Poe leaves West Point.
April, 1831 – Poems by Edgar Allan Poe second edition published in New York.
Summer, 1831 – Poe arrives in Baltimore to stay with Mrs. Maria Clemm and her daughter Virginia.
October 12, 1833 – Poe wins first prize in a competition run by the Baltimore Saturday Visitor with his MS Found in a Bottle.
March 27, 1834 – John Allan dies in Richmond leaving Poe nothing.
August, 1835 – Poe moves to Richmond to become an assistant editor of the Southern Literary Messenger.
October 3, 1835 – Mrs. Clemm and Virginia also move to Richmond.
May 16, 1836 – Poe and the thirteen-year-old Virginia are married.
January 3, 1837 – Poe leaves the Messenger and moves to New York.
July, 1838 – The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym is published.
Summer, 1838 – Poe moves to Philadelphia.
June, 1839 – Poe appointed assistant editor of Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine.
1840 – Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque is published. Poe leaves Burton’s.
April, 1841 – Becomes editor of Graham’s Magazine.
July, 1841 – Treasury Department rejects his application to become a clerk in Washington.
January 1842 – Virginia breaks a blood vessel while singing.
May, 1842 – Poe leaves Graham’s.
April, 1844 – Poe moves to New York. He becomes assistant of New York Evening Mirror.
January, 1845 – The Raven is printed.
March, 1845 – Poe is appointed one of the editors of The Broadway Journal.
October, 1845 – He obtains post of proprietor of The Broadway Journal.
January 3, 1846 – The Broadway Journal closes. Poe moves to Fordham.
January 30, 1847 – Virginia dies.
June 10, 1848 – Poe meets ‘Annie’, Mrs. Nancy Richmond.
September, 1848 – He meets ‘Helen’, Mrs. Sarah Helen Whitman. He proposes to her.
She rejects his proposal.
November, 1848 – Poe proposes to Helen again. He is rejected a second time. He goes to Boston and attempts suicide.
December 22, 1848 – A marriage agreement is drawn up, but the engagement is broken a few days later.
June, 1849 – Poe goes to Richmond with ideas for a new magazine.
July, 1849 – He arrives at a friend’s home in Philadelphia. He is in a mysterious state of delirium.
July 13, 1849 – Poe meets Sarah Elmira Royster in Richmond. He hopes to marry her.
August, 1849 – Poe lectures on The Poetic Principle.
October 3, 1849 – In mysterious circumstances Poe is discovered unconscious in Baltimore. He is taken to Washington College Hospital. He regains consciousness but is delirious and extremely tormented.
Sunday, October 7, 1849 – Edgar Allan Poe dies. He is forty years old. He is buried in Baltimore.*

Poems Click here for a list of Poe’s poems. The page you go to will have links to individual poems. Don’t forget: some of the poems are also audio files.

Stories Click here for a list of Poe’s stories. The page you go to will have links to individual stories.

Whispers in the DarkThis page takes you to AUDIO RECORDINGS of some of Poe’s stories and poems.

Links This page has links to other Poe-related sites. There’s a lot of info out there about the Master, so be sure and check out this page. Got any links you want to include? Send us an email and we’ll check out the link.

Films This page provides info about films and TV productions based on Poe’s work. It is far from complete. We’re working on it. Really.


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*which we unabashedly admit we lifted from that most brilliant of brilliant CDs, TALES OF MYSTERY AND IMAGINATION by The Allan Parsons Project.

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